Friday, April 4, 2014

Making Lists

It’s been …
7 weeks
50 days
1200 hours
72,000 minutes
4,320,000 seconds
… since I had a job.

I’ve cleaned and de-cluttered the house, Craigslisted the clutter, painted the girl-child’s room, walked the dog, applied for hundreds of jobs, had dozens of interviews, and watched a crap load of movies on Netflix, and pinned hundreds of pins on Pinterest.

I’m starting to get antsy. I LOVE not working, however, I do miss the paycheck (and shopping) and having a purpose (although sleeping in till noon is rather nice), though I still have so much to do.

My List:
-          Spend more time with my step-brats (as I affectionately call them)
-          Lose 50 lbs
-          Use the crock pot at least once a week
-          Babysit for at least 1 friend each week 
-          Paint feature wall in Kitchen
-          Hang pictures on feature wall in Kitchen
-          Paint Feature wall in Living Room
-          Get new curtains for Living Room
-          Paint Master Bathroom
-          Re-organize garage. Again.
-          Get to know my neighbors
-          Gardening – get more rocks for the rose garden and dig out rocks out of South garden to make room for plants/flowers, and clean off patio so I can bring up new patio furniture.

And on, and on, and on… 

With my luck (and I cross my fingers, knock on wood, and say a few prayers that this is true!!!) I’ll have a job by next week and won’t be able to cross anything else off my list.  ;)